Wednesday 15 October 2008

I Feel Like Death

Sorry folks, but I'm just going to moan a bit this morning cause I feel like absolute shite. I went to bed early last night because I felt a migraine coming on - I got the lack of vision/spots all over the eyes thing. Then the headache started. Then the cold sweats and the constant itching. Then the sickly feeling.

Migraines really are horrible.

And this morning I feel as if I've got a hangover from hell - all without having sipped the slightest bit of beer/wine/spirits.

So I'm going to take it out on everyone around me for the rest of the day. Or longer if I don't start feeling well again soon. I can feel the flu coming on too.

I hate being unwell.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Maybe you should get checked-out, my friend. My mom had something similar yesterday and is at the doc today for a corrated (sp?) artery test (possible stroke). She's 65-ish, and a very active realtor. She scared us yesterday with her blurry vision and 4-hour nap.
    Good luck & God Speed.



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